PMA is a school with a highly competitive admissions process based on student applications. The average SAT score at PMA is 1585, and each class has only 16 students. The student-teacher ratio at PMA is 12:1, allowing faculty to provide more individual attention compared to larger schools.
The school offers many support programs for international students, such as the English as a Second Language (ESL) program, a personalized tutoring program to help Vietnamese students adjust to the American education system (CAP), SAT preparation starting from the first year, and many other student support programs.
Extracurricular Activities:
Archery, Sports Club, Choir, Band, Community Service, Drama, Earth Awareness, French Club, Interact, Japanese Culture, Newspaper Club, Retreats, Skiing, Snowboarding, Spanish Club, School Ambassadors, Technology Club, Yearbook.
College Acceptance Rate: 100%
Some Notable Universities that Have Accepted Students:
American University, Amherst College, Smith College, Boston College, Boston University, Suffolk University, Brandeis College, Lesley University, Tufts University, Brown University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Clark University, McGill University, University of Massachusetts, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Northeastern University, University of New Hampshire, Dartmouth College, University of North Carolina, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of San Diego, University of Vermont, Fairfield University, Vanderbilt University, George Washington University, School of the Museum of Fine Art
PMA High School provides 2 Marian buildings that can accommodate 42 boarding students, divided into separate male and female areas. These are modern dormitories located on campus with a beautiful panoramic view.
The buildings feature elegant dining rooms, modern living rooms, Wi-Fi, cable TV, recreation rooms, and quiet study areas. The luxurious dining room, artistic kitchen, laundry room, reading room, and classrooms are among the amenities available.