Homepage - Tư vấn du học NEEC
Advisory Team / Consultants

Advisory Team / Consultants

Experienced Education Consultants with background in studying abroad

 Advisory Support

Advisory Support

Personalized school selection and clear study abroad pathways

Assistance with Enrollment Procedures

Assistance with Enrollment Procedures

Document Preparation and Application Support for University Admission

Top Universities and High Schools

Comprehensive Advisory Process



In-Depth Assessments to Understand Students' Study Abroad Needs

Document Preparation

Document Preparation

Understanding and Guiding Students through In-Depth Assessments to Understand Study Abroad Needs

Get Results

Get Results

When there are results, NEEC advisors will assist students in researching and selecting suitable schools, and completing enrollment applications.

Start Your Studies

Start Your Studies

Immigration Support, Information, and Career Advice for International Students

Are You Ready to Study Abroad?

Contact Us for Personalized Study Abroad Guidance