Mastering Punctuation to Score High on the SAT Writing & Language Section – Tư vấn du học NEEC


Mastering Punctuation to Score High on the SAT Writing & Language Section

Learn about the six types of punctuation marks to improve your SAT score


Make sure you master the rules for colons, dashes, possessive nouns, and pronouns before taking the SAT.


PROPER ENGLISH PUNCTUATION is one of the major components of the SAT Writing & Language section. During the exam, students need to focus on mastering many elements, one of which is punctuation. There are six punctuation issues students should pay attention to during their test preparation:

  • End punctuation.
  • In-sentence punctuation.
  • Possessive nouns and pronouns.
  • Lists.
  • Nonrestrictive clauses and Parentheses.
  • Eliminating unnecessary punctuation.

1. End punctuation. Exclamation points, periods, and question marks are the punctuation marks students typically use to end sentences. Depending on the function of each punctuation mark, students should be mindful of using them appropriately. For instance, an exclamation point is used after an exclamatory sentence, while a period is used for declarative sentences. Meanwhile, a question mark is used after an interrogative sentence.

2. In-sentence punctuation. On the SAT, in-sentence punctuation includes colons, dashes, and semicolons.

One common use of colons and semicolons is to link two related independent clauses. Conversely, dashes are used when explaining or clarifying something mentioned earlier.

Example: “Which references this sentence in a passage about a chemical used to preserve fruit:

Take Bartlett pears, for instance, unless they are treated with exactly the right amount of 1-MCP …

The four answer options are:

(A) no change

(B) pears, for instance:

(C) pears for instance,

(D) pears. For instance,

The information after the colon explains the example of Bartlett, so B is the correct choice.

Colons have another function: listing. A colon can replace the phrase “the following.”


3. Possessive nouns and pronouns. In addition to end punctuation and in-sentence punctuation, students also need to choose the correct form of possessive nouns appropriate to the given context. If you’re unsure whether to use a singular or plural possessive pronoun (“its” or “their”), read the sentence again to see if the subject is singular or plural.

Example: Which references this sentence in a passage about sea otters that help protect kelp forests:

Like their terrestrial plant cousins, kelp removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere…

The four answer options are:

(A) no change

(B) they’re

(C) its

(D) it’s

To answer this question, students must identify the subject after the comma: “kelp.” Since kelp is singular and refers to a thing, the correct answer is C.

4. Lists. Both colons and semicolons are used in lists. The difference is that commas clearly separate items, while semicolons separate more complex elements that may include commas within the sentence.

Example: Which references the following sentence in a passage about Greek yogurt, involves a series of three straightforward items:

Yogurt manufacturers, food scientists; and government officials are also working together to develop additional solutions for reusing whey.

The four answer options are:

(a) no change

(B) scientists: and

(C) scientists, and

(D) scientists, and,

Commas are the most commonly used punctuation marks. However, remember that the comma after “and” is unnecessary, so the correct choice is C.

5. Nonrestrictive clauses and Parentheses. Colons, dashes, and parentheses are often used to provide additional information that may interrupt the main clause. Some information or nonrestrictive clauses do not require punctuation.

To determine whether a clause is restrictive or nonrestrictive, carefully read the passage twice—once with the clause and once without it—to see if the meaning or grammar of the sentence changes. If either is true, you can conclude the clause is restrictive.

Example: Which references the following sentence in a passage about a visit to the Art Institute of Chicago:

On one hand, I couldn’t wait to view painter, George Seurat’s, 10-foot-wide A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte in its full size.

The four answer options are:

(A) no change

(B) painter, Georges Seurat’s

(C) painter Georges Seurat’s,

(D) painter Georges Seurat’s

“Georges Seurat’s” serves as a restrictive clause. Therefore, punctuation is unnecessary. The correct answer is D.

6. Eliminating unnecessary punctuation. To score well on the SAT Writing & Language section, students need to know how to use each punctuation mark. Only by mastering this knowledge can students determine when to use it. Apostrophes require two factors: possession and contraction.

Example: Which references the following sentence in the Greek yogurt passage, requires knowledge of apostrophes:

If it is improperly introduced into the environment, acid-whey runoff can pollute waterways, depleting the oxygen content of streams and rivers as it decomposes.

The four answer options are:

(A) no change

(B) can pollute waterway’s,

(C) could have polluted waterways,

(D) has polluted waterway’s,

Students should note that when there is no purpose of possession or contraction, an apostrophe is unnecessary. The “s” in “waterways” indicates a plural rather than a possessive noun, so the apostrophe is unnecessary. Therefore, the correct answer is A.

To do well in the SAT Writing & Language section, it’s crucial to practice and familiarize yourself with common punctuation usage.

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